Hindutan ab tak special
Crossword PR wins Public Relations and Marketing Mandate for International Dance App “Godatu”

New Delhi Hindustan ab tak/Dinesh Bhardwaj : 3 November Godatu, the one-stop platform for dance has decided to expand its Public Relations and Marketing mandate with Crossword Public Relations. Godatu is an international application that connects the world through dance. It gives freedom to create your dance and fitness videos and to connect and collaborate with amazing dancers from across the world. Godatu is a free application that is available on the Play Store and Apple Store as well. They have an incredible team that has over 50 years of collective experience in dance forms like pop, jazz, hip-hop, Indian classical, salsa, ballet and contemporary.
Godatu has associated with professionals and skilled international dancers like Hannah Sofia, Tanya Bhushan, Junna Yagi, Vaishali Sagar, Lacey Schwimmer and many more, who strive to take their dance forms to the global audience through Godatu. Raul Brady and Jonathan Philemon Brady who is known as RJ Khurafati Nitin are Co-founders of Godatu. Raul Brady is a professional dance instructor/choreographer and has trained thousands of students over the years.
Raul Brady, Founder of Godatu said, “We are happy to announce Crossword Public Relations as our Media partners. Rajnish Jain has good relations with the media and we are sure this collaboration shall be mutually beneficial for Godatu and Crossword PR.”
Rajnish Jain, Founder of Crossword Public Relations said, “Dance has grown as a profession and respectable career and Godatu is doing a wonderful job in advocating the same, though its message of taking all dance forms to the world. We are happy to manage the media and marketing presence of the brand Godatu. It would be our pleasure to work with their team and we aim to be proactive and efficient PR and marketing partners. We are proud to be associated with Godatu and are confident about meeting our milestones together with them”.