Faridabad NCR
DAVIM’s National E- Panel Discussion Series “Unlocking Higher Education: Digital Transformation”

Faridabad Hindustan ab tak/Dinesh Bhardwaj : COVID-19 has created an atmosphere for technology-enabled learning in higher education in India. It is time that policy-makers and educators take advantage of the current situation to reform Indian higher education and create a resilient system that supports equity, excellence and expansion.
So, Realizing the need of the day DAV Institute of Management under the patronage of DAV college Managing Committee organised a National E- Panel Discussion Series on “Unlocking Higher Education: Digital Transformation” from 16th July to 18th July 2020. It was one of its kind event where series of panel discussions in which Hon’able Vice Chancellors of various universities, Pro-vice chancellors , Principals and senior faculty members of institutes of repute focused to extend the support for students’ success in a fully remote teaching and learning environment during COVID-19 situation. The theme for the today i.e 16th July 2020 was ”ICT and Blended Learning : A new face of Education System”.
The Initial deliberation of the session was done by Dr. Rashmi Bhargava (Dean Holistic Development) who welcomed all the panelist of the day. Sh. Prabodh Mahajan (Vice President DAVCMC) congratulated all for realizing the need of the current situation and coming forward with a unique idea of organizing the much needed E- Panel discussion series. Sh. Shiv Raman Gaur, Director Higher Education, DAVCMC and Patron of the E- Panel Series said that although online teaching is the need of the day but somehow in one way or other we need to have the physical class to have great learning impact. Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Principal Director, DAVIM welcomed all the panelist of the day and thanked them for being part of this event. He congratulated the organizers of the event Dr. Ritu Gandhi Arora, Dean- FDP Cell, Dr. Sunita Bishnoi- Dean- Reasearch Promotion Cell, Dr. Pooja Kaul- Dean- Innovation Cell, Dr. Ashima Tandon- Dean E-content and LMS Cell for coming up with this unique idea of holding E- panel Discussion in these challenging times. Dr. Ritu Gandhi Arora, Vice Principal and Registrar, started with explaining the theme of the day one and mentioned that for successful unlocking of the Higher Education, ICT and Blended Learning have a crucial role to play in time to come.
The Chief Guest of the day Sh. Raj Nehru, Vice Chancellor, SVSU, focused on the need of a paradigm shift in our thinking about teaching and learning to create an enabling environment for learning with technology. Dr. Juhi Kohli (ACS), Moderator of the event introduced all the panelist of the Day to the participants. The speakers of the day were Dr. Rakesh Sharma, IFS Officer, Dr. Sanjeev K. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Mahtama Gandhi central University, Motihari , Prof. Parvinder Singh, Controller of Examination, Panjab University, Chandigarh,Dr. Yog Raj, Punjabi University, Patiala , Prof. Sultan Singh, Director, Department of Business Admisnistration, CDLU, Sirsa, Prof. Karam pal narwal, Director, Higher School of Business, GJU, Hissar and Prof. Sanjay Dhingra, University School of Management Studies, GGSIPU, Delhi.
Dr. Rakesh Sharma Shared his views on the changing role of teacher with the use of ICT and blended learning. He said that switch over to online education is not by choice rather it has been forced over all the stakeholders by the prevailing pandemic situation. He also suggested Dr. Gaur to come up with at least two week progarmme here in teachers may be trained to be Technology friendly.
Dr. Karampal, said that there is a difference between online teaching and teaching online. These are two pole part things as online teaching requires lot of infrastructure and trained faculties. He focused on various challenges faced by different stakeholders be it teachers, Parents, students or government. Dr. Yograj shared his view said that India is a country wherein 80 % of the population is deprived of food and basic amenities and 20% are well equipped with gadgets so in country like India online education is not possible. He also said that education is not only about turning the pages of the book but also about meeting people and learning new things
Dr. Sanjeev K. Sharma,V.C on a very positive note said that Indian higher education needs to think positively rather than materialistically. He emphasized that thinking is not only bound to online or offline as the situations may come and go , what is important is the learning. Dr. Sanjay Dhingra rightly said that teachers have adapted with the change of shift from offline to online teaching but the teachers need to put more of efforts to make class interactive. Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Principal Director raised the issue of unequal divide of education and said that different views and policies and viewpoints are being given by central and state government but their must be adoption of one nation one policy. The discussions held will definitely pave the way for the future of Higher Education in India. In times to come the use of ICT and blended learning will change the face of education. With these words the session was concluded by Dr. Anamika Bhargava (Coordinator IQAC) with the vote of thanks.