Faridabad NCR
International Day Of Yoga Commemorated by DAVIM @ Faculty & Students

Faridabad Hindustan ab tak/Dinesh Bhardwaj : Yoga symbolizes unity of body and mind; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between nature and man; holistic approach to health and well being. On this call, the United National General Assembly (UNGA) announced to celebrate June 21 as International Yoga Day every year.
On the occasion of 6th International Day of Yoga, the Centre for Environment in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), NSS and NCC of DAV Institute of Management ( DAVIM ), Faridabad commemorated this Day on 21st June 2020 on virtual Platform.
The trainer of the day Ms. Chanda Bhardwaj is an alumnus of DAVIM and Founder of Brahma Yoga Foundation. She is a professional Yoga Trainer. The session began with warm up and surya namaskar followed by some Asanas, Kriyas, Mudras and Pranayam which helped the faculty , staff and students to get energized and de-stress themselves.
Dr. Sanjeev Sharma , Principal Director emphasized on the efficacy of Yoga in treating Life style related diseases and vowed to practice yoga on routine basis and inspired all the members of DAVIM fraternity to practice yoga every day with family members especially in these COVID times.
An online poster making competition was organized by NSS team on this occasion . The winners were also announced on social platform – Nishi Khatri , BSC Student stood 1st, Kusum Madan , BBA(CAM) stood second and Sapna and Renu , BBA(BE) stood third. The efforts and the sentiments behind the work of these students were highly appreciated.