Faridabad NCR
Manav Rachna launches multifoldinitiatives to a great future on the occasion of 8th Founder’s Day

Faridabad Hindustan ab tak/Dinesh Bhardwaj : 3 April Founder’s Day is an occasion for Manav Rachna family to pay their tribute to the great visionary and path-bearer of the Manav Rachna family, Dr. O.P. Bhallawho laid the foundation of Manav Rachna with a vision to educate the different sections of the society. On 8th Founder’s Day, after the floral tribute, aHawan ceremony was organized wherein Smt. SatyaBhalla, Chief Patron, MREI; Dr. PrashantBhalla, President, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI); Dr. AmitBhalla, VP, MREI; Ms. DeepikaBhalla, ED, MRIS-14 Faridabad; Ms. NishaBhalla, ED, MRIS-Charmwood& MRIS-21C Faridabad; Dr. Sanjay Shrivastava, MD, MREI; Dr. I.K. Bhat, VC, MRU; all the senior dignitaries of Manav Rachna, faculty members, and MRIS Principals were present.
The great day became a witness to the launch of Manav Rachna Centre for Dental Excellence (MRCDE), Centre of Excellence for Solar PV Skills, and Special Fee Scholarship for students of Manav Rachna. Manav Rachna also announced aLogo Competition to commemorate the 25 glorious years of Manav Rachna journey. A COVID Vaccination Drive was also organized at the campus wherein 400+ people were vaccinated.
Manav Rachna Centre for Dental Excellence(MRCDE)was inaugurated by Smt. SatyaBhalla in the august presence of Dr. AshishKakar, Director MRCDE and a renowned Implantologist and Dental Surgeon and senior dignitaries from Manav Rachna. MRCDE has been established to provide common people with easy access to world-class dental care and has consultants from various specializations becoming a wholesome solution for dental patients: Esthetic & smile designing, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, Endodontics& Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, and Implant Dentistry.
The Centre of Excellence for Solar PV Skillswas inaugurated at Manav Rachna campus by Dr. Ashwini K Aggarwal, Director- Government Affairs, Applied Materials, India. The Centre is a Joint Initiative of Electronics Skill Sector Council of India(ESSCI), Manav Rachna and Applied Materials.The objective of the centre is to impart high quality training for Solar Roof Top design wherein participants will be exposed to the solar design software for planning and assembling the entire structure from scratch.
A training program will beintroducedthat will involve active participation and guidance of Solar Experts from ESSCI and Applied Materials.3KW Solar System has been assigned for carrying out experimental work during the training program.
This was followed by launch of the book titled ‘The Internet of Things using NODEMCU- A Practical Approach to Master IoT’ authored by Dr. UmeshDutta; NilanshKhurana, VIII SemB.Tech CST MRU Student; and Devdutt, MR Alumni (Batch 2015-19, B.Tech ECE) and Research Associate with MRIIC. The book provides hands-on experience to the readers thereby enabling them to deploy NODEMCU Board in IoT Systems.
An International Conference on ‘Computational Intelligence in Analytics and Information Systems’ (CIAIS- 2021) was also organized by the Department of Computer Science and Technology (CST), Manav Rachna University on April 2&3, 2021 to commemorate the 74th Founder’s Day. The main focus of the conference was on the empirical, theoretical and application prospects of the introduction of computational intelligence in Data Science, Information retrieval and communication systems.
The Inaugural session of the conference witnessed the gracious presence of the Chief Guest, Prof K.K. Aggarwal, Chairman NBA and Founder Vice-Chancellor, GGS Indraprastha University; Dr. MohitGambhir, Innovation Director, Ministry of Education as the Guest of Honor; and Dr. AnjanaGossain, Professor, University School of Information Communication Technology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi.
All these events and launch of the Centre of Excellences make 8th Founder’s Day quite memorable.