Faridabad NCR
Resurgence of Technology in Education World : DAVIM

Faridabad Hindustan ab tak/Dinesh Bhardwaj : covid-19 has undoubtedly changed the world forever, with many social and economic patterns unlikely to return to normal again, even after the pandemic has passed. This is especially true for the education sector.Just prior to covid-19 that online education was beginning to gain main stream recognition for being first as effective, If not better than traditional classroom education. But now it has become need of hour even kids knows how to operate online platform like Zoom, Webex etc. This show that digital literacy is building amongst population especially young ones.
Accommodating the new normal, DAV Institute of Management, Faridabad has initiated a web talk series, which has been planned w.e.f 16th June 2020 to 24th June 2020 showcasing different courses. On 6th day, 22ndJune 2020 the web talk was organised for an hour by BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application) department headed by MS. Pooja Sachdev and her team members on social media platforms like Facebook and Webex, to make the audience aware about the BCA Course.
In the web talk, the opening remarks were given by Dr.Neelam Gulati,(Dean Academics) . She addressed the audience with her enlightening words. Dr.Sanjeev Sharma, the Principal Director of DAVIM, acquainted the audience and inspired them by mentioning the importance of digital and technological knowledge and highlighted the opportunities waiting for them in this field. The session was moderated by Ms. Deepika Pahuja,Assistant Professor, the insights of the BCA Course was delivered by Head of Department Ms.Pooja Sachdev with a captivating Power point presentation highlighting the technical details of the course, the projects and achievements of the BCA pursuing students. In continuation to this, a brief presentation on training and placement activities was given by Mr. Harish Verma, Training and development consultancy cell, that functions the entire year to help students for getting good trainings and placements.
By this time the chat box was popped with the quires raised by the audience regarding BCA course which was taken by Ms.PoojaGour, Assistant Professor. These queries were answered by the senior faculties of the institute Dr.AshimaTandon, Dr.AnamikaBhargava, Dr.SaritaKaushik and Dr.Poojakaul. The session received an overwhelming response with more than 900 viewers within hours. The rest of the queries will be solved via Google forms. The web talk ended with vote of thanks proposed by Ms.RituGautam, Assistant Professor.