Faridabad NCR
Training Session on Communication Skills

Faridabad Hindustan ab tak/Dinesh Bhardwaj : The Training Department and Holistic Growth Department of DAV Institute of Management, Faridabad, organized a Session on the topic “Communication: There is always a Better Way” on 4 th February, 2021, in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). The session was organised for the first year students of BBA (CAM), BCA and BBA (BE). The speaker of the day was MS. Jaya Goyal, Chairperson of Women Entrepreneur Cell – I am SME of India and a corporate trainer. She said that being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important life skills to learn and emphasised upon its importance for an individual in the corporate world. Communication does not mean merely being able to speak good English; it encompasses the skills to convey your message to the other person in the right sense and also involves non-verbal communication. She said that we are comfortable in doing those tasks which we are conversant with, but we face problems in executing tasks which we have not done before, for which one needs to practice. This was made clear to the students with the help of activities. The session was very interactive and lively. Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Principal Director and Dr. Ritu Gandhi Arora, Vice Principal, put on record the appreciation for the departments for organising this event and giving the students an opportunity to rub their shoulders with such an erudite speaker.