Hindutan ab tak special
Crossword PR initiated a step to help Poorer’s in fighting with Covid-19

New Delhi Hindustan ab tak/Dinesh Bhardwaj : 24 March With the spread of novel Coronavirus in the world all are familiar with the protocols. Washing hands frequently, avoiding crowds and self-quarantine are such important steps taken to fight the Covid-19 in India. But for millions of homeless, labor, and marginalized people it’s not more than a nightmare and it’s making them feel more fearsome. There’s not much availability of food to eat and shelter to isolate them. No sanitation facilities and not even masks are available for them in cities easily. The rate of deaths due to viruses will only increase if this social and economic division will not be stopped.
To deal with this catastrophic situation Government is doing every way possible to fight with this deadly virus. They are providing with awareness all over the country and all possible facilities. Crossword Public Relations is collaborating with “Center of Healing”, an NGO which aims at helping poor people to overcome their mental problems and improve their quality of life so that they can live with respect and dignity. We have taken an initiative to help these poor and degraded sections of our society. This drive is helping these poor people in providing basic facilities that are Food items like wheat, rice, cereals, milk and vegetables. Also, the sanitation facilities like Soap, sanitizer, face masks will be provided to the needed ones.
Rajnish Jain, Founder of Crossword Public Relations said, “This is overwhelming as our country is going through a pandemic situation. While our government is requesting people for social distancing and self-isolation, we must go further if we are to be able to stop the spread of the virus and protect the most vulnerable people in our society. We must not forget that 66% of our country is rural and they don’t have a reach to resources. This campaign motive is the same, with our partner Center of healing to help all the poor and needy ones with all the possible facilities we can. At this time we have to stand together and fight Covid-19”
About Crossword Public Relations
Crossword Public Relations is the fastest growing service provider in the public relations and event management industry. Our commitment is based on quality and creativity. At Crossword, we specialize in offering a gamut of services in the domains of lifestyle, fashion, health, entertainment, and education sectors. With an unparalleled network spread in more than 250 cities in India and 10 plus countries around the globe, Crossword is recognized as a communication hub in national and international markets. We are valued for our domain expertise, energetic teams, and value-driven projects/campaigns.