Jaipur Hindustan ab tak/Dinesh Bhardwaj :16 April If one has a passion of doing something good, one finds a way. Supermodel Shruti Sharma, who has a passion in modeling belong to an extremely academic background. It must has been very difficult for her to get involved in the sector of glamour but her family supported and guided her. Through being a supermodel she has worked with some reputed brands.At such a young age shruti clenches good experience in modeling field. Shruti got many awards in back few months like jaipur ratna, culture national award, fashion & lifestyle award etc. in fashion industry. She is highly motivated and positive person. Miss India Senorita 2019 shruti said,” I am my own inspiration…i inspired myself and chose modeling as my field of interest. Shruti has 20k+ followers on Instagram and shruti becoming more of people inspiration.