Faridabad NCR

Faridabad Hindustan ab tak/Dinesh Bhardwaj : DAV Institute of Management has always been making a significant position in the Education Sector. We have a vision to create human capital in pursuit of holistic academic and research excellence, across the world. To maintain its position as a most preferred management and IT institution in Haryana, DAVIM continues to produce excellent academic results. The results for the year 2019-20 have been outstanding with students from different courses securing top university positions. The Management, staff and students of DAV Institute of Management, Faridabad put on record their appreciation for the achievements of brilliant and diligent students of MBA Department who secured top positions in December– 2019,Semester University Examinations. The students of DAVIM outshined by claiming almost all the top positions in MBA course across the state.
Rashmi Aggarwal (MBA-1st Semester) secured first rank in University merit list followed by Jyoti Sharma , Bhawna Sharma,Urvashi and Kajal Goyal securing Fifth, sixth,Seventh and Ninth position respectively .In MBA 3rd Semester Mamta and VartikaGupta secured the seventh and the Eighth position respectively.
The otherachievers of the department arePooja Gupta and Anjali from1stSemester, and Simran kumari and Rajat Gupta from3rdSemester.
Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Principal Director, DAVIM; Registrar and Vice Principal ,Dr.Ritu Gandhi Arora; Dean Academics, Dr.Neelam Gulati; Head of the Department Dr.Meera Wadhwa and other senior facultymembers congratulated the students by offering them sweets and encouraged them to maintain the excellent resultsby putting their best efforts.